
Friday May 27, 2022
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18: Liberation Through Renunciation and Surrender
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Proceeding further, Krishna distinguished between Sanyas and Tyag. “Renouncing the desire-driven actions is Sanyas, while ceding the fruits of actions is Tyag. But never abandon the purifying sacrifice, charity, and penance; instead, do these with no expectations. Likewise, perform duties but relinquish rewards- this is the good-natured, true renunciation.
Any action through body, speech, or mind consists of 5 factors- the body, soul, senses, efforts, and providence. Those devoid of the ‘doer-ego’ don’t kill anyone even when they slay someone.
Sankhya philosophy speaks of knowledge, action, and the doer. Good knowledge sees an undivided reality in all lives, whereas the passionate or ignorant see only the manifold or fragmented entities. Likewise, only attachment-free action is good, while the selfish or deluded ones are otherwise. And similar is the differentiation between the good, passionate, and ignorant doers.”
Then Krishna moves on to intellect and resolve and the distinction between the 3 modes.
“Intellect that discriminates between the binding and liberating aspects, and the mind-sustaining resolve developed by Yog, are good-natured, whereas those otherwise, to the passion and ignorance modes. Likewise, happiness born of pure intellect located in self-knowledge that tastes like nectar, in the end, is good, but happiness through sense objects that feels like poison at the end is of passion-mode, while that from sleep is in ignorance-mode.
The 4 categories of people are classified as per their qualities and not by birth; those on top have tranquility and wisdom as their attributes; the next, valor and leadership; the third, agriculture and commerce as their duties; and the last, service. By performing their natural occupations, people can attain perfection, while those mastering their minds and renouncing desires reach the height of perfection with freedom from action.
By the likes of purifying intellect, restraining senses, overcoming likes-dislikes, and being in meditation, one can realize Brahman, the Absolute Truth. And through attachment-free actions and dedicating those to Me, My devotees surrender to Me, their supreme goal, and reach My eternal abode. So, Parth, you can’t refrain from fighting, for your nature itself would force you to fight.
Oh Arjuna, leave aside all Dharmic principles and just surrender to Me alone, and I will absolve you of all sins; don’t grieve. And those who merely listen to this dialogue with faith will attain liberation from sins and reach the abodes of the pious.”
With the core of his being, moved by the wisdom Krishna imparted, Arjuna submitted with gratitude that his illusion was destroyed and vowed to act as per Krishna’s instructions and fight the war!
And wherever Krishna, the Yogeshwara, and the ace archer Arjuna are present, there will be immense wealth, victory, affluence, and justice!
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17: Faith and its Nature
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Then clarifying Arjuna’s doubts on faith, Krishna continued.
“Faith is intrinsic to human beings, which are Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic in nature. People are what their faith is. Accordingly, those in goodness mode worship celestial Gods, the passionate, Yakshas and Rakshasas, and the ignorant worship spirits.
Further, people should perform austerities only as ordained by scriptures and not for desire or egotism. Simply tormenting the body and Me, the dweller therein, through attachment-driven austerities exhibit only demonic nature. And same is the case with food, sacrifice, and charity.
The virtuous consume juicy, nourishing, and naturally tasty foods that enhance life span, virtue, and heath. However, the passionate like hot, spicy, or sour food that gives only disease and pain, whereas the ignorant consume impure or stale items.
Likewise, sacrifices done with conviction and no-expectation are of goodness; those done for material benefits are of passion-mode, while those performed contrary to scriptural principles with no Mantras or offerings are of ignorant mode.
Similarly, when people worship the Lord and the revered with cleanliness, celibacy, and non-violence, that becomes the austerity of the body; when words spoken are truthful and kind, it is the austerity of speech; and thoughts, serene and pure, become the austerity of the mind. When practiced by the devout with faith and no expectations of rewards, these become the austerities of goodness.
But the one performed for ostentation and public consumption is the austerity of passion that is transitory, whereas the austerity involving harming the self and others is ignorant.
Similarly, charity to the worthy at the right time and place, without any consideration, is goodness. However, a reluctantly done charity with expectation is of passion mode, while that made to the unworthy is the charity of ignorance.
Further, the term ‘Om Tat Sat’ represents the Absolute Truth. Hence people begin all sacred activities like sacrifice by uttering ‘Om,’ while the non-seekers of material rewards utter ‘Tat.’ And ‘Sat’ means goodness and eternity that describes all auspicious and noble activities like charity.
But such acts performed without faith become ‘Asat,’ worthless for this world and the other.”
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16: Natures – The Divine and Demonic
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
“People are of 2 kinds-- those with saintly virtues are of divine nature, while the otherwise are of demonic nature. The divine qualities like – purity of mind, sense control, fearlessness, non-violence, compassion, forgiveness, modesty, fortitude, humility, etc. – lead to liberation.
On the other hand, demonic qualities like arrogance, anger, ignorance, etc., will trap people in worldly bondage.
Oh, Parth, take courage, for you are only of saintly virtues!
But beware of the demons in human form, who have no purity, virtue, or truthfulness, and see sexual gratification as the only purpose of life. Driven by lust, anger, pride, hypocrisy, illusion, wealth accumulation, and gratification of sensual pleasures, these people of small intellects and cruel actions remain the enemies of the world.
Deluded by ignorance, they regard themselves most perfect, powerful, incomparable, and even as God. Vile, vicious, cruel, and blinded by self-conceit, they even abuse Me, who resides in them. And thus, they fall into incorrigible hell.
In the cycle of birth and rebirth, I condemn these unholy souls to the wombs of the similarly natured, and thus, they are left to lead abominable existence. So, beware of the 3 gates that lead to the hell of self-destruction of the soul, lust, anger, and greed, and stay away from these, always.
Those who are free of these terrible failings ensure the wellbeing of their souls and reach the supreme goal. Therefore, may the scriptures be your guide on what to do and what not to do in life, and accordingly, perform your duties unfailingly.”
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com

Thursday May 12, 2022
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15: “Know Me As the Supreme Personality”
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
“Scriptures refer to an Ashvatth, the sacred Fig tree with roots on top and branches below, whose leaves are the Vedic hymns. The 3 Gunas nourish its branches extending up and down, and its tender buds remain the sense objects, while its roots hang down, causing Karmic flow in the human form.
However, one should chop off this deep-rooted Ashvatth with the ax of detachment and look for the Supreme Lord at its base, from whom universal activities emerged. And the liberated, who are free of delusion, desire, and attachment, dwell on self and God; going beyond pleasure and pain, they reach My abode, from where none will come back to this temporal world.
Though these worldly souls are also part of Me, their material nature binds them to struggle with their senses. However, while leaving the old body, the embodied soul carries the mind and senses with it and enters the new frame with them. The bodily soul enjoys the sense objects through sensory perceptions bunched with the mind. But only the wise perceive the soul’s stay in the body and its departure.
Know Me as the Sun’s brilliance, Moon’s radiance, and fire’s brightness, and that My energy nourishes all life forms. Then, as the fire of digestion in the stomach, combined with inhaling and exhaling breath, I digest food and assimilate it. Also, dwelling in the hearts of all beings, I contribute both to memory and forgetfulness. And it is Me, the Vedas reveal.
While creation contains the perishable beings in the material world and the liberated imperishable ones, the Divine Personality stays beyond these as the ultimate controller and supporter. And celebrated in the Vedas and scriptures, I transcend both the perishable matter and the imperishable soul. So, Oh sinless Arjuna, worship Me, as the Supreme Divinity!
The understanding of this secret knowledge can lead one to enlightenment!
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Thursday May 12, 2022
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14: Three Gunas, the Qualities of Nature
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Krishna now started His exposition on the supreme wisdom, which can save people from the birth-death cycle and unite with Him.
“Prakriti, the material substance is the womb, which I impregnate with individual souls and cause births; I thus remain the seed-giving Father.
The material energy contains 3 Gunas, the characteristics – Sattva, the goodness; Rajas, passion; and Tamas, ignorance, which bind the immortal soul to the transient body.
The illuminating Sattva creates attachment to knowledge and happiness; the desire-driven Rajas to fruitful actions; and the delusory Tamas to laziness, negligence, and sleep. While these contribute to material joy, activities, and delusions, respectively, at any time, one quality can prevail over the other two. When goodness predominates, there will be the illumination of knowledge; when passion rules, it can be greed and craving for worldly gains; and when ignorance reigns, it can be inertia and illusion. Likewise, the fruits of actions performed in Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas modes can bestow purity, pain and darkness and also give rise to knowledge, greed, and negligence, respectively.
Likewise, those dying with a dominant Sattva quality are reborn among the learned; those dying with an overpowering Rajas, among the work-driven ones; and those with a marked quality of Tamas are born in the animal species.
There is none other than the Gunas operating in any activity, while I transcend these, too. By going beyond these modes of body-related material nature, one can be relieved of the cycle of birth-death-old age-misery and attain immortality.
Those who transcend the Gunas neither seek nor abjure the Sattva-resultant illumination, Rajas-resultant activities, or even the Tamas-resultant delusion. Knowing the play of the Gunas, they remain undisturbed in the self.
Those who have moved beyond the 3 Gunas value everything equal, treat everyone alike and accept whatever comes with equanimity. People who do service to Me with pure devotion can go past these qualities of material nature and rise to the heights of Brahman. And I remain the basis of that immortal Brahman, representing eternal Dharma and divine bliss.”

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Pisces June 2022 Horoscope Predictions
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
June 2022 may be a happy and prosperous month for Pisces natives. They may do well in their personal and professional lives. Comfort and ease may prevail at work. Legal issues may be resolved, and you may be able to settle debts. Travel-related work may bring gains. Some may thrive in a foreign country. Traveling to foreign countries may have positive results. Singles may meet their soul mate. Married life will be blissful. You may get a new position at work. Some may get well-paying government jobs. Some may have a viral fever or skin ailments. Students may go abroad for studies, with scholarships.
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13: Body, Soul, and the Supreme Soul
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
“Oh, Arjuna, the body is the ‘field of activity,’ the Kshetra, while the ‘knower of this bodily field,’ is Kshetragnya, the soul and God; this understanding is true knowledge,” Krishna proceeded to explain. Sages, Vedas and scriptures have revealed this truth.
This ‘field’ consists of 5 elements, ego, intellect, formless primordial matter, 11 senses and 5 sensory objects, while dualities like desire-aversion, joy-sorrow, body, will, and consciousness fall in its realm.
Noble qualities and attributes that include - humility, non-violence, purity, self-control, dispassion, detachment, awareness about birth, death, disease, old age, devotion, spiritual inclination, and seeking absolute truth- form part of knowledge, while the contrary is ignorance.
Now, O Parth, know about Brahman, which is beyond beginning, existence, and non-existence; awareness of which can bestow immortality. This all-pervading Brahman remains unattached to any but sustains all; Himself devoid of senses, perceives sense objects, and is without attributes but enjoys material nature. This Supreme entity is subtle, incomprehensible and indivisible, is both near and far, and remains the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of all. This source of all light is free of ignorance, and being the embodiment of knowledge, He lives in all beings.
Now, hear from Me about Purush, the individual soul seated in Prakriti, the material nature. At the same time, the Supreme Lord, too, resides in the body as the witness, transcendental enjoyer, controller, and Paramatma, the Supreme Soul. Understanding these - Paramatma, Purush, Prakriti, and the interaction of nature’s 3 modes, will grant liberation.
People perceive the Supreme Soul residing within themselves through meditation, knowledge, action, and also devotion. This Paramatma, present in all beings, accompanies their soul and remains immortal in the mortal frame. Though located within the body and pervading its consciousness, He neither acts nor is affected by bodily attributes and illuminates the body with consciousness as the Sun illuminates the solar system.
Know the difference between the body and soul can take one to the ultimate destination.
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12: Bhakti, the Pre-Eminence of Devotion
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Krishna then clarified that he considered those devoted to Him with unwavering faith as the best Yogis, though the worshipers of the formless, absolute truth and engaged in others’ welfare also reach Him. But the worship of the un-manifest, formless aspect is difficult. However, He would relieve those who hold Him as the Supreme goal and dedicate their actions, worship and meditate on Him, of the vicious birth-death cycle, Krishna added.
And He continued – “Those, fixing their mind and surrendering their intellect to Me, will ever live in Me. But if fixing your mind is tough, practice mind-control and remember Me with devotion. If this too is difficult, do devotional service to Me to attain perfection. When even this is not possible, renounce the results of your actions for peace.
I hold these devotees very dear to Me, who – “Are free from malice towards all, compassionate, detached, forgiving, content, treat pleasure and pain alike, and fully dedicated to Me; neither harm others nor feel agitated by anything, and are free of fear and anxiety; are pure, selfless, not bothered by worldly gains, and retain their poise; remain un-swayed by worldly pleasures or distress, gains or losses, honour or dishonour and give up the fruits of both good and bad deeds; and who treat friends and foes alike, love meditative silence, fix their intellect on Me, and are entirely in their devotion to Me.
Those who accept the wisdom propounded here with honour and faith and remain dedicated to Me as their Supreme goal- I hold them also extremely dear to My heart!”
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com
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Tuesday May 10, 2022
Aquarius June 2022 Horoscope Predictions
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
In June 2022, most things can go in your favor, but finances might see some ups and downs. Family life may be harmonious. Travel may bring gains. Some may travel to a foreign country for education or work. There may be a celebration in your family. Love life may be blissful. Love affairs may end in marriage. Avoid betting and other speculative activities. Career may proceed smoothly. There may be good gains from export-import and textile businesses. Writers may achieve recognition. Those with chronic ailments may get relief.
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology and remedies you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Capricorn June 2022 Horoscope Predictions
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
This could be a happy and prosperous month for Capricorn natives. Career and education may see growth and success in June 2022. Your popularity may increase. Friends and colleagues may be supportive. Those involved in litigation could get some relief. Victory over competitors is possible. Your spouse may support you financially. Some may have clandestine affairs that may not last long. Married life may be joyful. You may buy a new house or vehicle. Income may come from many sources. Gains may come from grocery shops or fast food outlets. Blood sugar and cholesterol levels may rise. Students may do well.
If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology and remedies you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at www.astroved.com